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Ashley Anten @anten4588

Think this Orlando team has potential for next year if they turn a few of there close losses from this season into wins

Ashley Anten @anten4588

Battle of Florida wouldn't it be great to see Orlando ruin Miami's playoff dreams

Ashley Anten @anten4588

Magic losing to the worst team in the NBA ouch!!

Ashley Anten @anten4588

Well played Orlando but that lose stunk

Ashley Anten @anten4588

How did Orlando not will with a eight point lead and 45 seconds left

Andrew Courtney @birdman

Just getting ready to head to my first NBA game! Mon the Magic!

Paul Chandler @paulobing

Hands up how many of you started to support Magic after a trip to Orlando I got a free ticket to see them the first time I went to orlando and followed them since, everytime I go I make sure I get my Magic tickets

Luke Inglis @lukeinglis

Nerlens noel is a cool guy

Peter Dyke @chiefwaffler

Not sure about the Frye signing.

Adamos T Marcos @amarcos

Im poppin for a quick giroud before the 2nd half

Gary Povey @gaz63

Just hope we get the green light for the takeover fingers crossed

Chris Wall @cwall

Hell of a weekend magic! Two great games

Jaden Johnson @patriots

Keep working hard magic you can win this game

Paul Michael Chedid @pchedid

Magic has 2 play on TV while my other favorite show is on 2night? :-)

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