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Steven Faulds @henrik7larsson

Not allowed to fly Palestinian flag at European football games? I'll be flying mine at every game from now on. Uefa are out of touch with that one, nothing new there.

Syed S LFC @lfc786engfan

Why block that yapper .!!

Syed S LFC @lfc786engfan

Here they are again Israeli army fighting civilians evil .!!! Imagineit was your mum .!!

Syed S LFC @lfc786engfan

Israeli army fighting kids lol

Syed S LFC @lfc786engfan

Syed S LFC @lfc786engfan

Syed S LFC @lfc786engfan

Mahdi.!!!!! Coming Soon near u ...!!

Syed S LFC @lfc786engfan

Free Palestine .!!! And stop killing the kids.!!!

Syed S LFC @lfc786engfan

The Israeli army etc are no worse than ****** , I think even worse bcoz of the kids they are killing

Syed S LFC @lfc786engfan

Only thing guilty for is their hospitality and letting you in really .!!!

Syed S LFC @lfc786engfan

Courtesy of the Israel army in response to the 3 Jewish kids not sure who or what killed them , so their policy is an Eye 4 an Eye , so called good guys so they tell the world , if one Palestinian throws rocks or anything bad let's bomb the whole of Palestine their all guilty ,

Syed S LFC @lfc786engfan

It's so sad to see the Israel's army kidnapping kids and beating them up how sad is that some of them are 6,7 years old , when it comes against Islam etc it's eye for a eye but the other way round is wrong and terrorists are labeled etc , those 3 Jewish kids who got killed etc there's no prove sad

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