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Costa Rica

Jack Siddall @jacksiddall

Danny Welbeck wants to play up top yet the only place he puts himself on the pitch is on the wing. Simply not good enough.

Nina West @ibingandbong6

Problem with young footballers today is they are so busy learning circus tricks that they don't have time to learn to play proper football @talksport

graeme mccrorie @grez100

Cheating German bas *****

John Boyd @gers56

Surely Fred is the worst Brazilian footballer ever

John Boyd @gers56

Imagine being 5-0 down and having Fred up front #inspiring

Johnny Fowler @johnny2003

Djok hair cut looks like our mud brush at the front door

Johnny Fowler @johnny2003

Their names are kind of exotic?? I wonder if they'll ever be an F1 driver called Ted Winkie

Philip Symons @philsy

Who wasn't rooting for the underdogs last night?! Well done, Costa Rica!

Matt Judge @judgy100

Ad Vert @themonkey

Costa Rica did their best

Aaron Lowe @aaronlowie

Costa Rica did their country proud last night b Netherlands and in the whole World Cup in general

Deeqa Jama @dede1


Stuart Johnson @thatstuartguy

Does anyone know if Costa Rica is leaving the World Cup? Would be appreciated as I couldn't get to watch the match.

Ryan Brolly @ryanbrollzyhd14

I hate the Dutch but Costa Rica earned our respect #RIPCRC

iGlad @iglad

I now hate the Dutch almost as much as the Germans the Dutch seemed to have lost their moral compass

Matt Warburton @warbie7red

Respect... Remember your unbeaten

iGlad @iglad

Costa Rica better than England in every department except salaries

iGlad @iglad

Gutted CR lost they have been an inspiration to many of us, I wish the team and country all the best for the future. You guys did your nation proud so hold your heads up high.

chris holt @holtc2

RVP should of buried that

Shabazz Abdulrahman @sabdulrahman

Costa Rica went out on penalties in krul circumstances

Andrew @marvell71

Never mind Costa Rica. You did your country proud! #betterthanengland

Shabazz Abdulrahman @sabdulrahman

CR has a great shout for a pen tho

Lorenzo Giovani @lorenzogiovani

Costa Rica, well played! We won, but barely! Navas played FENOMENAL gg Costa Rica

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