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Stephen Dobek @dobek55

Solid gane so far... Definetely a pitchers duel

silviOMFG @sil

Lester to meet with SF. Wow

silviOMFG @sil

Panda what are you going bro??? There's no "grass" greener then the "grass" in the bay bro.

Number 3 @3

So rumor has it that the Yankees are not spending big money on free agents this off-season. Let us see how long that will last.

Turn2-2015 @hittinguru

Well, that certainly looked like the rookie leagues

Sammie V @sam63

Omg. New pitcher plz

Turn2-2015 @hittinguru

.@sam63 they just panned over 1 side. I saw you! One of the dots in the box seats lol

Sammie V @sam63

Our guy Bird leads all hitters in fall league he looks like major leaguer huh

Sammie V @sam63

They have some wicked names for the teams

Tom Christodoulou @tomchristodoulou

Congrats Giants! U guys definitely earned it out there. Royals would have been a Cinderella ending but hey who doesn't like it when the bad guy wins sometimes.

George Saldivar @scorpio34

Royals didn't know who they were messing with. Bumgarner blew them away

George Saldivar @scorpio34

Giants are the best. Royals suck

Nick Vine @nvinyl

Ahh what the hell... Hey puig, bat flip all you want... You'll never have this mans class or trophy cabinet.

Nick Vine @nvinyl

Where all the trash talkers gone???

Jack McGok @jackmcgok

Well battery almost dead... Night hun I'll let you know when I find my jersey guy.....just tell me what size you prefer

Richard King @seminole1fan

San Fran ain't winning a title so it's a good thing the Giants did

Sammie V @sam63

Good riddance to Bud Selig. Eeewww

Sammie V @sam63

Eeeewww Bud Selig. Gag me

Dent Ford @dford01

What's truly sad is that no matter how great a series anyone else had, and let's be honest that both Pence and Sandoval had MVP type performances, no one other than Bumgarner was getting that trophy...

silviOMFG @sil

5-0 .26 era. Just ridiculous

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