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Virginia Tech

Richard King @seminole1fan

Killing the acc with this loss...cmon hokes you're Killin me here!!!!

Chris Parandian @mobilediner

Tech getting rolled at the moment...

Walter Wang @walterwang

And there it is. Good win for VA Tech.

Walter Wang @walterwang

Need to make 2 plays and it's over.

Walter Wang @walterwang

Hokies have been blowing a bunch of opportunities to close this one out early.

DJ Perkins @djperkins

Current score is making it look like Michael Vick came back to VA Tech.

Byron Vilar @byroniusmaximus

No VA TECH fans on yapper eh? Go Buckeyes

Ray Sterne @hokieprop

My bad....I never checked back in. Ok off to the Caps yapp now.

Lionel Andrey @rangeris

Hokies win against pittsburgh 19:9 Thomas with 293 yards and 0 interceptions. Record= 6-1 Next game= vs. Duke

Ray Sterne @hokieprop

Is anyone going to show today?

Ray Sterne @hokieprop

How is this room empty?!

Ray Sterne @hokieprop

Strength on Strength today. Strap your chinstraps on boys and go to work!

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