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Harry Fleisig @hfleisig

Who else is a panthers fan??

Ryan Baldwin @ryan7448

Iam in love with those HEELS

Ethan Williams @cardsace

Deangelo's happy that he left he quoted "I'm happy to leave cause how they treated my mothers death"

Ethan Williams @cardsace

Letting go Deangelo good for them

Iain Macdougall @imacdougall8

Patriots!!!!!! What a game will tjey wont they!! Come backs, weird plays, dodgy calls!! Best super bowl ever for me

Bob_Rec @bobreca

Cam's legacy to this point is poo poo ...

SilviOMFG @silvinho01

Hate to say it but I feel Cam single handily lost this game. Mis fires bad reads etc. When is Cam gonna take the next step?

Kayla Klumb @kaylaklumb

So badly wanted to see Pete Carroll lose this.

Dwight Edwards @dwightge

I'm not a Carolina fan but for those that says the panther doesn't deserve to be in the playoff because of there division and there record. That's bull ****, they have been thru hell this season with no players on offense, best defensive player gone and a QB in a car accident. Still played well.

Dwight Edwards @dwightge

These two safeties are amazing.

Kayla Klumb @kaylaklumb

Feel sad for cam. Love him

Ben Aitkenhead @benaitkenhead

Feel bad for Newton. Score is misleading. And he played really well. Seattle is better, but not by three TDs.

Dwight Edwards @dwightge

Chancellor is the best defensive player on this team, hands down.

Ben Aitkenhead @benaitkenhead

Can has played really well tonight.

Sammie McGok @sam63

Good season record 5-8. Omg

Dwight Edwards @dwightge

Good season Panther fans but you guys not coming back from all these miss tackles. Dam I wish this John lynch the commentator would give the tightend some credit. I guess Russell Wilson threw to himself, caught it , and broke those tackles and scored.

Stephen Evans @igglesfan13

Missed tackles, missed throws and mistakes.

Ben Aitkenhead @benaitkenhead

Ball game ladies and gents. Seattle is damn good.

Ben Aitkenhead @benaitkenhead

Time for the D to do it again.

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