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Jeff Brewster @jbrewster

great season, terrible game. can't wait for kentucky to beat the **** out of WVU.

Kerra Daley @kerrad

Come on Maryland! My Brackets need you!!

Jeff Brewster @jbrewster

oh man. wide open 3 in the corner: airball. that stings.

Jeff Brewster @jbrewster

we need the dez wells from the end of the regular season to show up right about now

Kerra Daley @kerrad

Dude Maryland Better win! B1G Ten Represent!

Jeff Brewster @jbrewster

Someone needs to punch Miles in the face.

Eric Goldstein @ericgoldstein

How the hell was that not a foul. Maybe even a flagrant.

Jeff Brewster @jbrewster

**** all these assholes on WVU.

Jeff Brewster @jbrewster

That was the longest halftime ever. Jeez. Watching so much soccer the past couple years really has proved how ****** televised sports is in the US

Chris Parandian @mobilediner

So sick of the commercials... Can't take it anymore.

Jeff Brewster @jbrewster

I mean come on. Melo is unreal sometimes.

Jeff Brewster @jbrewster

Dodd reminds me of Lonny Baxter. He's a little taller and thinner but plays a similar game.

Jeff Brewster @jbrewster

Layman to guy-whose-name-I-can't-spell is working well

Jeff Brewster @jbrewster

OOP! Layman keep on doing your thing.

Jeff Brewster @jbrewster

Ignore the trash talk and just play ball. Easier said than done I know but still

Remi G @remig

Maryland may be winning, but wv looks more alive and pumped up-

Jeff Brewster @jbrewster

Huggins paid attention Friday. We can't stop the 3

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