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Mez68 @mez68

Right who is watching f1 tomorrow? I will only watch if it rains as then it would be worth it #processionsession

Malik Sarmad @sarmad0201

Well lithuania is much better then england in basketball

Tom Lawrence @tomlawrence

Show me the way to Vilnius?

Dale Greening @dgreening

How many ppl from Lithuania will be yapping on here tonight??

Kade Logan @kade

This page will be full of scots tonight

Liam Elliott Brady @lellbrad

Proud to be the 11th yapper on Lithuania's page

John Kelly-Reynolds @jkellyreynolds

It's funny to see all the so called top teams struggling with Chelsea and Southampton bossing at the top all the teams a Getting critism apart from us

Rowley @jrowle1

I cant believe anyone is watching this game

Paul Skidmore @paul118

I hope holland lose so van gal come back to old traford

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